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Cherry Blossom Season in D.C.

One of the great privileges of catering in the Washington, D.C. area is experiencing the best our region has to offer with iconic venues and the beauty of nature. When the Cherry Blossoms signal the arrival of the Spring event season, it’s tough to imagine a better time to celebrate the uniqueness of our city!

A stroll around the Tidal Basin in early April brings joy to millions every year.

Well Dunn DC Catering in Spring

Dinner with the Hope Diamond

You think it’s tough to get a table at a restaurant during Cherry Blossom season? Try getting one next to the Hope Diamond! It was our honor to cater a special meal for Smithsonian VIPs in this one-of-a-kind location.

One of Our Top Venues

The headquarters for the American Institute of Architecture is hidden gem of a venue that seamlessly celebrates the beauty of both the built and natural environments as the greens of the city return each Spring!